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Theme switch

Dark theme is activated by adding class=“dark” to <html> tag.

ThemeSwitcher - may be used with SSG that doesn’t load JS, like a blog page with adapter-static & export const ssr=false.

<ThemeSwitcher />

<!-- add to app.html -->
  const theme = 'my-theme'
  const dark = 'dark'

  function makeLightTheme() {
    localStorage.setItem(theme, 'light')

  function makeDarkTheme() {
    localStorage.setItem(theme, dark)

ThemeSelect - light / dark / auto

<Dropdown accent="beta" filled iconsOnly>
  <Icon name="brightness_low" slot="dropbtn" />
  <ThemeSelect iconsOnly />
<!-- heading & naming -->
  const naming = { light: 'Світла', dark: 'Темна', auto: 'Авто' }

<Dropdown accent="" iconsOnly>
  <Icon name="brightness_low" slot="dropbtn" />
  <ThemeSelect heading="Тема" {naming} />

Then, add to app.html

  ;(function () {
    const THEME = 'my-theme'
    const DARK = 'dark'

    const myTheme = localStorage.getItem(THEME)

    if (myTheme) {
      if (myTheme === DARK) document.documentElement.classList.add(DARK)

    if (
      window.matchMedia &&
      window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches
    ) {


Theme Selector (dropdown)

  • Default:
  • With heading:
  • With heading & hoverable:
  • Icons only:
  • In ukrainian:

Theme form select